Good-Bye 2019 - Hello 2020!

I know it is so cheesy and cliche.... but I get a little emotional thinking about this past year and how thankful I am for everything in my life.  When I reflect on 2019, it was a year FULL of new beginnings...

It was the 1st year of Jocassee Trading Co and I really tried hard to dive in and promote our products - that was harder than I ever imagined!

Greg, my husband started providing private boat tours of Lake Jocassee, and people LOVED them!

Our daughter ELLE started kindergarten!

I started back to school for nursing! AAAHH!

My brother Joey and Sister-in-law Mary got married!

We had two new babies born - our sweet, handsome nephew Jake and beautiful niece Dylan were born!

Greg's mom, Anna, moved down from OH!

So many new beginnings to be thankful for! It was a crazy busy year but all so positive and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that have been presented to me. Thank you to everyone who has supported us through the year! 

Check out the website for the new look!





check out the new look on the website